Schedule Your First Appointment

The Introduction to Prosperous Investing

We help you have peace of mind with your investments so you can enjoy retirement how you’ve always envisioned.

Over the last 25 years we have developed and refined a process we refer to as The Introduction To Prosperous Investing.

It’s a four step approach and includes the 20 must answer questions for peace of mind in retirement. Few people can successfully answer “yes” to all, or even a majority of these questions the first time they see or hear them. Our goal is to get you to the point where you can answer “yes” to every one of them. The answers to these questions are critical for your success.

This approach ensures we lay the groundwork for a prosperous investment strategy to meet your personal needs, your goals, and your vision, whatever that may be.

Prosperous investing and peace of mind, is all about understanding your needs, your goals, and your vision. So you can have the retirement you envision.

Your vision comes first and it’s the only vision that matters!

Once you schedule your appointment, we will give you a call within 24 hours to confirm your appointment and verify your mailing address.

We will then send you The Introduction To Prosperous Investing that includes a short first appointment questionnaire to learn how you envision retirement, what’s important about money to you, and most importantly, what the number one thing is you would want to talk about to feel your time was well spent. Your vision is our number one priority. The first appointment typically last 30-45 minutes.

Based on your vision, we will prepare a short agenda for our meeting. An example of that agenda may look like this:

  1. Review first appointment questionnaire (the one that was emailed prior to meeting)
  2. Your number one objective or greatest financial concern
  3. Overview of our four step process for prosperous investing
  4. Your expectation and questions
  5. Next steps

You may also be wondering how much your first appointment will cost. The answer is nothing. This is a complimentary consultation.

If what we have described above does not sound like what you are looking for, there is no need to schedule an appointment.

To schedule your first appointment simply use the form below, or call us at 801-545-0696.