Primary Account Holder First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Date of Birth
Street Address
Cell Phone
Favorite Drink
Favorite Snack
Favorite Restaurant
What do you like to do in your spare time?
If you like to travel, where is your favorite place to go?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Spouse Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Date of Birth
Cell Phone
Employer Name
Favorit Drink
Favorite Snack
Favorite Restaurant
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Trust Name (If applicable)
Date of Trust
State Where Organized
Name of Trustees(s)
Are there any special needs of any children or parents you need to plan for? If yes, who and what is the situation?
At the end of your meeting with Mark, what is the number one thing you would like to have talked about in order to feel your time was well spent? (Or in other words, what is your greatest financial concern or fear you would like to resolve?)
If this concern goes unresolved, how much will it cost you over the next five years?
How long have you had this concerns?
Have you tried to fix this?
Does this concern affect anyone else?
Describe how you envision retirement. What would you like to do?
What age would you like to retire by?
What are your current retirement income sources? (Examples could be; 401(k), IRAs, Pension, Social Security, etc.)
Do you know how much you need for retirement?
How much do you currently have for your retirement?
How much can you save each month for retirement?
How did you pick the investments that you have?
What is the most frustrating thing about your current retirement/investment plan?
20 Must Answer Questions For Peace of Mind In Retirement
Few people can successfully answer “yes” to all, or even a majority of these questions the first time they see or hear them. Our goal is to get you to the point where you can answer “yes” to every one of them. The answers to these questions are critical for your success. To answer “yes” it must be a 100% “yes”; no fuzziness or doubt. If you have any doubt about the question, it must be answered “no.”