The Powerful Benefits of Gratitude

The holidays can be a difficult time for many people. For some, it’s an annual reminder of lost loved ones or strained relationships with living family. For others, this time of year is a reminder of personal shortcomings, or just a sense that despite all the festive trappings, their life is not what they hoped it would be.

Ironically, this is also the time of year when we’re supposed to be extra grateful, starting with Thanksgiving and continuing through all the occasions where we give and receive gifts.

Harvard Medical School puts it this way: “Each holiday season comes with high expectations for a cozy and festive time of year. However, for many this time of year is tinged with sadness, anxiety, or depression.”1

So, what pharmaceutical product do these medical experts recommend for treating this common malady? Actually, what they advise doesn’t involve any drugs. And its efficacy is backed up by multiple studies.

It’s the exercise of gratitude.

The important detail here isn’t that they recommend trying to conjure up feelings of gratitude. Emotions are often beyond our control. Rather, it’s the practice of gratitude—something you can do whether you feel thankful or not. It’s actively identifying and expressing thanks for the things you recognize you should be grateful for.

One study at the University of California found that people who were instructed to daily write a few lines about what they were thankful for were far happier than another group who were asked to list their daily complaints. (No surprise there.) But over a 10-week period the grateful group also reported exercising more and visiting their doctor less.

Another study on the psychology of happiness at the University of Pennsylvania had people recall an occasion where someone had done them a significant kindness but had not been sufficiently thanked for it. The participants were instructed to write a letter expressing their gratitude. Again, the positive results were measurable. (Of course, gratitude is not 100% effective and should not replace medical treatment.)

Why does being thankful make you happier?

Harvard Medical explains, “Gratitude is a way for people to appreciate what they have, instead of always reaching for something new in the hope it will make them happier or thinking they can’t feel satisfied until every physical and material need is met.”

So, consider taking time to be actively grateful this holiday season.

May you have much to be thankful for.

If you ever have any questions about your investments or retirement plans, please feel free to give me a call at 801-545-0696.

Mark Lund
Stonecreek Wealth Advisors, Inc.
Fiduciary Financial Advisor
11576 S State Street, Bldg. 1002
Draper, UT 84020


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